Survey layout
- Surveys are questionnaires sent to participants through their email addresses.
- Surveys enable you to add additional patient reported outcomes to the outcomes you have defined for your own data entry.
- Surveys are sent as part of a survey package and consist of one or multiple steps.
- Let’s take a look at how the survey participant sees the survey
- This will help to understand how certain features can be used when creating a survey
- When a user opens the survey, they see the title of a survey package
- The survey consists of steps which you can see in the left panel, called ‘Step Navigator’
- Each step is a separate page of a survey
- Further, a survey consists of an introduction to a survey package and an introduction to a survey
- The text here is an introduction to the entire survey package
- It is also possible to add a logo to your study
- Here you can see a Castor logo
- Underneath the steps is the progress bar which calculates the progress of a survey
- Only the required questions are taken into account when calculating a survey
- In the right upper corner click the flag icon to change the language of the interface.
- Buttons and navigation elements such as Steps will change
- The names of the steps themselves can be created in any language
- There are two options to navigate between different pages of a survey
- You can click on a step in the step navigator
- Alternatively you can use the Next button
- In this survey you can see that a pop-up message warns that it is only possible to use the Next button to navigate to the next page
- This is a special setting of a survey package which I will show you later
- Here we have an introduction to our survey, in addition to the introduction to the entire survey package
- You can add information or instructions or links related to your survey in this introduction section
- Here you can see the list of questions
- Orange circle next to a question indicates that this is a required question and whether it has been completed or not
- Once the question is answered, the survey progress is updated and the status turns green
- The answers are immediately saved, so there is no need to additionally submit the survey
- There is an option to allow the participant to proceed to the next step only after all the required questions are filled in
- If not all the required questions are filled in, a warning will appear
- After filling in all the questions, the progress is updated to 100%
- The cogwheel allows to clear the answer
- Now I am able to proceed to the next step which is an Outro
- In this section you can add information relevant for the participant after they filled in all the required questions
- Clicking the Finish survey button will warn the user that they are not able to change their answers anymore
- This is another survey package setting to automatically lock the survey to prevent participants from changing their survey answers
- It is also possible to set up automatic redirection to a website
- This survey redirects to Castor EDC website
- A survey package can consist of several surveys
- This survey package consists of two surveys - SF36 and Mental Health Screening
- This time, the survey package does not include an introduction and an outro for the survey package, only for each survey
- In this case, a setting to force step completion is disabled and participant can simply switch between different steps
- It is also possible to format introductory text - add a list and change font size
- The progress will also be updated when filling in a survey
- This step contains a remark field allowing to provide certain information related to the questions