Importing study data
- Castor allows to import a CSV file with your data
- Before you can import a CSV file, make sure you have ‘Edit’ rights for the record
- The variable names that you are planning to import must exist in the study
- The values should correspond to all validation rules defined in the study
- Date fields must be in the plain text and correspond to dd-mm-yyyy format
- Currently it is only possible to import ASCII characters
- For performance reasons imports cannot contain more than 25000 data points, rows multiplied by columns
- If you need to import files containing more data points, you can either split the dataset into several files or import data using API
- Keep in mind that importing data will overwrite existing data
- Make sure you are only importing data for empty fields, or data you wish to overwrite.
- Always use the single record import function when possible
- This helps to reduce the risk of accidentally importing data for the wrong record
- First you need to prepare the CSV document
- The data should be organized horizontally
- Make sure the record id and the institute abbreviation are located in one of the first five columns, A-E
- It is possible to add an email address as well if you would like to link a record with a certain email address
- Following the record id an institute, add the variables and data values
- If you are importing data for option groups, such as checkboxes, radio buttons or dropdowns, you need to keep in mind certain formatting rules
- Since checkboxes allow to select multiple answers, each answer option should be in a separate column indicating a variable name and the option separated by hash sign
- What you can also do is just export the checkbox field and use this as an example of how the checkbox field should be formatted
- For radio buttons and dropdowns, enter a value that corresponds to the option value that should be selected.
- To import data for multiple records, click on the Import icon
- Choose the file
- For study data, select the ‘Study import’ option in the ‘Import type’ field
- In the ‘Record id column’ field, define the column from your CSV file which contains Record id
- In my document this is column A
- If you are adding the data to existing records, the option ‘Create records that do not exist’ should be set to ‘No’
- To import email addresses set the respective option to Yes
- Click ‘Upload’ button to import your data
- The results are displayed in a popup window and, in case of failure, the reason is explained.
- The import option also allows to create records on the fly
- This can be useful if you would like to create several records at once
- In my study, I will create two new records
- To do this, clicking the ‘Import’ button, and in the pop-up window set the option ‘Create records that do not exist’ to ‘Yes’
- You will see the field ‘Institute abbreviation column’ appear where you can define the column in your CSV document which stores the institute abbreviation
- Click the ‘Upload’ button
- New records are successfully created
- When the data is imported, the progress of the records remains 0%
- When you open a record, the progress will be re-calculated automatically
- If the study contains calculations, when the data is imported, the calculations will not be triggered
- To trigger the calculations, just open a record and a step which contains calculations
- Then the calculations will automatically executed