Exporting data


  • It is possible to export the data into Excel, CSV and SPSS formats
  • Open the ‘Records’ tab and click on the ‘Export’ icon
  • You can choose to either export All records or just a selection of records
  • To export a selection of records, you must first select the records by marking the checkbox beside each record.
  • In this study, we are going to Export all records into Excel format
  • After clicking the ‘Export all records’ icon, a ‘Data export options’ window will appear
  • Here you can choose the Export type
  • You can also decide if you want your options to be displayed as Numbers (values) or Names (labels)
  • For example, if you had a ‘Gender’ option group with a value 1 for ‘female’ and value 2 for ‘male’, if you choose to display options as numbers, 1 and 2 will appear in the data export
  • It is also possible to choose if you would like to export the entire study, certain parts of the study, or certain variables
  • To export the entire study, in the ‘How to export’ field choose the option ‘Interactive (tree)’ and then click on the Entire study in the tree
  • To export the data, click ‘Export’ button
  • The export includes multiple datasets
  • Open the folder where the file was downloaded, unzip the exported folder and open the Excel document
  • When choosing to export the entire study, the Excel export document will consist of several tabs
  • ‘Study results’ contains all the study data collected via the Records
  • ‘Study variable list’, often called as data dictionary, contains an overview of all the variables used in your study, including option groups, dependencies and calculations
  • A separate data dictionary will be created for a study, reports and surveys
  • You will be able to see all the option groups used in the study
  • Comments and queries will be exported separately as well and you can find them in the respective tabs
  • I am going to export the study into CSV format to demonstrate how this type of export looks like
  • When exporting into CSV format, your export will be saved as a zip-file, containing a set of separate CSV files, one for study data and one for each report and survey, a list of variables and option groups
  • If there is an upload file field in the study, it is possible to export the uploaded files using the ‘Export’ feature
  • Click the ‘Export’ icon and choose the ‘Uploaded files (to zip-file)’ option
  • For each upload file field, there will be a separate folder containing all the uploaded file
  • A record id will be used as a prefix for each file

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