Exporting data into SPSS format


  • In the Records tab, click the Export icon
  • Select 'SPSS' as Export Type.
  • Select the part of the study that you want to export, or select 'Entire study' to export everything.
  • Click the ‘Export’ button
  • Open the downloaded zip file and extract it.
  • Extract the data in a new folder, later on you have to insert the path of this folder in SPSS.
  • Navigate to the folder with the extracted files
  • Study data, Surveys and reports are exported separately, there are 'sps' files of them too
  • Make sure you know the file path, as you will need to add it to the spss syntax file
  •  In Windows, right click on the file and click 'Properties'. The file path is listed next to 'Location'. 
  •  In Mac, select the file, then press Command + i. The file path is listed next to 'Where'.
  • Open the file with the study title _syntax.sps to import the record data (with no surveys and reports).
  • Insert the path to the file after the /FILE parameter. This is the location where you extracted the zip file
  • If you are using SPSS version 21 or higher you should remove the line containing  /QUALIFIER
  • Select all lines in the SPSS Syntax file  by clicking CTRL + A and click on the green play button.
  • Open the Data Editor of SPSS. You can find it at the bottom of your screen.

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