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Advanced features of Castor EDC-CDMS - Certification (v02.2025)
Introduction to the course
Introduction to the course (1:27)
Example study structure to download
What is the Castor EDC-CDMS automation engine?
EDC-CDMS - Enabling Automations and automatically hiding a form
EDC-CDMS - Automatically adding a query
Quiz 1
Introduction to Calculations
What are the Calculations?
EDC-CDMS - Common applications of Calculations
EDC-CDMS - JavaScript - the programming language used in Calculations
EDC-CDMS - Calculation with a Moment Java Script
EDC-CDMS - Calculation helper
EDC-CDMS - AI calculation helper
Quiz 2
Most common used calculations
EDC-CDMS - The if-else statement
EDC-CDMS - Using several if-else statements
EDC-CDMS - Calculating with empty fields
EDC-CDMS - Calculating scores
EDC-CDMS - Calculating with checkbox fields
EDC-CDMS - Calculating with dates
Quiz 3
EDC-CDMS - Encryption - what it is and how it works
Encrypt user rights
EDC-CDMS - Encrypting a field
EDC-CDMS - Searching encrypted fields
EDC-CDMS - Exporting and importing encrypted data
Encryption in Castor EDC-CDMS - Take away message
Quiz 4
Application Programming Interface (API)
Quiz 5
Your feedback matters to us!
Course survey (0:19)
EDC-CDMS - AI calculation helper
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