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Study building and management in Castor EDC-CDMS - Certification (v02.2025)
Introduction to the course
Introduction to the course (1:33)
Study structure
EDC-CDMS - Creating a study
EDC CDMS - Creating study structure
EDC-CDMS - Creating a Repeating Data structure
Assignment 1
Quiz 1
Create study forms
EDC-CDMS - Field types
EDC-CDMS - Creating a field
EDC-CDMS - Creating a Repeated measure field
EDC-CDMS - Adding a Repeating Data button
EDC-CDMS - Special field types
Assignment 2
Quiz 2
Field properties - dependencies and validation
EDC-CDMS - Dependencies (field logic)
EDC-CDMS - Data validations
Assignment 3
Quiz 3
Monitoring - Source Data Verification plans & Data standardization
EDC-CDMS - Building and using SDV plans
EDC-CDMS - Data standardization
Assignment 4
Quiz 4
Surveys and survey packages
EDC-CDMS - Survey layout
EDC-CDMS - Creating a new survey (package)
EDC-CDMS - Using web survey access codes
Assignment 5
Quiz 5
Manage users
EDC-CDMS - Inviting and managing study users
Assignment 6
Quiz 6
Study settings
EDC-CDMS - Study settings
EDC-CDMS - Notifications
Assignment 7
Quiz 7
EDC-CDMS - Randomization settings
EDC-CDMS - Setting up (double) blinded randomization
Assignment 8
Quiz 8
Going live
EDC-CDMS - Testing study forms
EDC-CDMS - Launching and completing the study
EDC-CDMS - Form Sync
Assignment 9
Quiz 9
Your feedback matters to us!
Course survey (0:18)
EDC-CDMS - Study settings
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